More than 150 cars are sold for one quarter of electronic site work

11 dates.month.long.12 2017

In June 2017, a specialized e-auction trading platform of the state enterprise “BelYurObespechenie” was introduced. This platform was intended for holding public tenders in an electronic form for property sale within executive production. The software developed by Novacom is deployed on the hardware of the beCloud cloud operator.

The site is aimed at creating the most convenient, transparent and universal mechanism for holding trades, as a result of which over one hundred cars were sold in one quarter. In total, over 600 auctions were announced on the site, including capital structures, trucks and special-purpose vehicles.

You can find the list of the property on sale and register for participation in the auction on the electronic platform.

The electronic trading platform is an online resource for real-time tenders and auctions. The main advantages of its using: saving financial and time resources, excluding the corruption factor, expanding the geography of participants.